How to create a gallery
In 3 easy steps

How to create a gallery
In 3 easy steps

Place the images on the page using image elements
Use multiple columns to create a nice gallery.

Create overlays
First, create an overlay with three columns.
In the middle column, you place an image as an element. In the left and right columns, you place left and right arrows that link to the other overlays.
The left and right arrows that you see in the example are custom PNG images with a transparent background. To achieve the same result, you must create similar images, upload them to your media library, and insert them in the columns.
Next, make sure that the background of the overlay is transparent.
To do this, open the overlay settings, click on the background settings, and set all color values to zero.
Once you've created your first overlay, you can create as many overlays as you have images. It's best to start with one overlay and then duplicate it.